Across the country, not just in urban areas, America has an affordable housing problem. It spans generations and geography. Unfortunately, it is one of the biggest issues with public policy implications that Congress has largely left unaddressed. Thankfully, the same cannot be said for architects who, through design, have been working overtime to solve this problem. However, design will only go so far. Changes in public policy are also needed, especially at the federal level. One such proposal is the bipartisan Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act of 2019. Members of Congress need to understand how this new proposal would benefit their states and communities. Since you are a constituent, your direct input will have a great impact. Can you take a quick minute to send a tweet or email to your federal elected officials right from this page? RIA’s federal relations team will cite your message when they approach your U.S. Senators and Congressman/woman about this issue. Ask your colleagues to visit this page and send a tweet or email message, too! This is definitely a “strength-in-numbers” situation, so please help spread the word to take action!